02/06/2023 08:10 GMT: Answer from BSO
Here is the answer from BSO:
Hello Customer,
Please note that this is due an outage on a metro link in Paris. This was monitored, however, services did no failover due to a software bug.
The in flight network modernization program will replace the equipment and prevent this from happening again.
This will be completed across the global network by the end of Q3 23, but the link concerned will be done by end of June.
In the interim a workaround has been put in place to cover the gap between now and program completion.
We will go ahead and close this one since no further assistance is needed.
Thank you for your time.
29/05/2023 12:00 GMT: Ticket solved by BSO
BSO answered at 12:00 GMT to our ticket asking us to recheck the connectivity. The IPv6 connectivity is back. We asked more information to BSO.
29/05/2023 09:15 GMT: Create ticket with BSO
Our team opened a ticket to BSO so that they investigate the issue.
27/05/2023 21:43 GMT: Lost external IPv6 connectivity.
Our re6st resilient IPv6 network is using BSO to communicate with outside. It uses 2 gateways: one in Paris and the other one in HK. Since 06:00 GMT, the BSO gateway in Paris lost its IPv6 access to outside thus preventing all machines from inside re6st network to communicate in IPv6 with outside. It also prevents anyone to connect from outside to the machines in re6st network in IPv6.
For now, the consequences are minimal for all SlapOS services:
- https://panel.rapid.space had the Google authentication failing from 6:00 GMT to 9:30 GMT (we are now forcing IPv4 usage so the problem is workarounded)