01/07/2024: Google login is no long be supported
Maintenance procedure is finished like planned, Google login is no long supported on https://panel.rapid.space.
01/07/2024: Google login will no long be supported
Staring on July, 1st, 2024, we will no longer support login with Google account (a.k.a Login with Google) on https://panel.rapid.space. The support for create new accounts using Google Login was stopped on 2019, and login with older accounts will be not supported from July, 1st, 2024.
Before the July, 1st, you can create a new Login, on "Account" menu after you login. After your login is disabled, on July, 1st, you can use the link "I forgot my password", to set a password on the login page. The login name for your account will be the Google email address as login. You will receive a new password to login or a link to reset it.
If you have problems to login or any other problem, please contact open a ticket from your account or email us on contact (@) rapid.space.
For more information, please access https://status.rapid.space