Fully Open Edge Cloud

[FINISHED] Maintenance: Sep, 22sd 2022 8:00 GMT: re6st-node upgrade

Rapid.Space Maintenance. Read the article for real time information.
  • Last Update:2022-09-22
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

22/09/2022 09:30 GMT: DONE re6st-node upgrade on CDN

On 22/09/2022 09:30 GMT the re6st-node upgrade is done on all our CDN machines.

Only one machine is still not upgraded but won't be upgraded before next release of re6st.

re6st works fine everywhere now.

22/09/2022 08:30 GMT: START re6st-node upgrade on CDN

Starting on 22/09/2022 08:30 GMT the re6st-node upgrade will be done on all our CDN machines.

The upgrade is done in one node at a time preventing connection to the node during the upgrade. You can still experience minor problems to access the website if your connection is going through this node during the short stop phase.

22/09/2022 08:10 GMT: DONE re6st-node upgrade on re6st gateways

On 22/09/2022 08:10 GMT the re6st-node upgrade is done on all our re6st gateways.

re6st is working fine again.

22/09/2022 08:00 GMT: START re6st-node upgrade on re6st gateways

Starting on 22/09/2022 08:00 GMT the re6st-node upgrade will be done on all our re6st gateways.

You can experience small traffic interruption from outside re6st.