Hyper Open Edge Cloud

[FINISHED] Maintenance: Jun, 13th 2023 17:00 GMT: major downtime in Rapid Space websites and API

Rapid.Space Maintainance. Read the article for real time information.
  • Last Update:2023-06-13
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

13/06/2023 20:00 GMT: Upgrade Finished

   The backup took longer them usual due a large amount of ongoing activities, so the downtime only occur around 18 GMT. So the services were restored around 19h30 GMT.

13/06/2023 17:00 GMT: Upgrade started

   The upgrade started, the system will be offline in any moment during until 18h20 GMT

13/06/2023 17:00 GMT: Major downtime in Rapid Space websites and APIs

We are migrating Rapid.Space main server into newer hardware and upgrade our backend system (a.k.a. Rapid Space Master) to 1.0.325 version.

The expected downtime for our websites and APIs is around 1 hour.

The affected sites are:

  • https://rapid.space/ and https://www.rapid.space
  • https://panel.rapid.space
  • https://oss.rapid.space (used for the administrative purpose)
  • https://slap.rapid.space (API site, used for command line and servers)
  • https://www.xunkongjian.cn
  • https://panel.xunkongjian.cn/

The following sites WON'T be affected:

  • https://status.rapid.space
  • https://handbook.rapid.space