Hyper Open Edge Cloud

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Jul, 24th 2023 12:00 GMT: Re6st 0.621+ required, please upgrade

Rapid.Space Announcement. Read the article for details.
  • Last Update:2023-07-25
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

24/07/2023 12:00 GMT: Please upgrade re6st-node

A new stable re6st version (0.621) is out for all distributions. This fixes default packet redirection when merging multiple re6st networks. Nodes will then install multiple default routes for each re6st network with the correspond src-prefix.

The changes include:

  • redistribute default route with src prefix on gateways
  • remove the now obsolete default option
  • if subtrees is not available in the kernel, delete src prefix from the default route and don't advertise the default route to other nodes
  • if there is no src prefix in the redistributed default route, add one to be retro-compatible with the old gateway behaviour

On July 24th 2023, machines running older versions might not work properly anymore (only regarding their default route, so only from re6st to outside of re6st).

On September 25th 2023, machines running older versions will be kicked out of the network.

Once upgraded, please run re6stnet --version to ensure you are running 0.621+


PS: the upgrade of the gateways is now done, see rapidspace-Document.Operation.Maintenance.20230725.